Monday, October 26, 2009

The countdown to departure is on!

Work is done, the packing has begun and so have our mixed emotions of excitement and nervousness (but mostly excitement). For those of you who we haven't been in touch with lately, we are taking off on an around the world trip on November 3, 2009 returning in August 2010! This has been something that we wanted to do at some point, but never really thought it would be possible. We've been education and career oriented for the past 10 years and found ourselves unsettled and wanting to do something after much deliberation and weighing all of the pros and cons, we have decided that it's now or never. We were bothered by the indirect (or direct, depending on how you see it!) societal pressures to start a family and knowing that we will eventually do that, we felt that now is as good of time as any to see the world.

Then came the decision of where to go and for how long. To be honest, we pieced together an itinerary and are planning to go with the flow as much as we can (and for those of you who know me well know that this is not how I usually roll!)So after a few Friday nights of "trip planning", we came up with our schedule. It is as follows:

November 2009- March 2010 = NEW ZEALAND
March 2010- April 2010 = AUSTRALIA
April 2010- June 2010 = SOUTHEAST ASIA
June 2010- July 2010 = EUROPE
July 2010 = PEI
August 2010 = EDMONTON

We've got many destinations planned for each area, but are going to be spending the most time living in Wellington, NZ for 4 months at the beginning of the trip. We'll be sure to keep you posted on the particular destinations in each country we visit.

So here we are, packing up our condo (we are out of our lease on October 31, 2009) and wondering where and how we accumulated all of the stuff we did!? We arrived in Edmonton "for 6 months to a year" with our 2 door Honda Civic packed solid...that was it. Three years later and we are finding ourselves packing up our belongings (way too much stuff) and saying "goodbye for now" to our great western friends!

We will try to post on a weekly basis and update you on our adventures. As well, we will be setting up a skype account as this is how we plan to communicate throughout the 9 months. So get your skype accounts up and running! We'll post our skype info before we leave. In addition to skype, we'll be continuing with our emails:

Julia -
Clement -
Julia and Clement -

Back to the boxes...


  1. So exciting Clément and Julia! I'm so happy for you guys. It's absolutely true that the children will come later on in your lives so enjoy yourselves now and your FREEDOM!!!!!

  2. What a great Blog Ju and Clem. I think the trip will be fabulous and it will change your view of the world and your own self awareness. You will meet facinating people and experience many cultures, practices, languages, foods, and alternate values and lifestyles over the coming 9 months. Enjoy each moment, smell each flower, and sample it all (including that great NZ wine). Take lots of snaps as Nana Pat would call them and blog lots.
    Dad and I are planning our around the world trip for Sept 2018. We can then compare notes. Enjoy!! Mom

  3. FOODS being the key point ... hint hint Julia ... you see what Barb wrote - sample it all! ;)

  4. Conrats to you both Clem and Julia on a great decision! It is really wonderful that you two are doing this. Wonderful, and a little shocking that you, Julia, are going to cut loose and live an unstructured life for 9 months. I am really excited for you. As long as you've got some good stomach medication with you, take Barb's and Isabelle's advise and try all the foods you can find. And if you don't try the food, try the beer. You will discover so much about the world and yourselves. I will be following your blog regularly and thankfully Julia you will finally start using skype with a camera (you do have a camera don't you??) Clem we will keep you posted on the Canadiens progress. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy. Bon voyage! love you both very much.

  5. Wow i'm so excited for you guys!!! I'll be sure to keep an eye on your up to date adventures:) Have a great time guys and see you in July back on the island!!

  6. Hey you 2 , this blog is a great idea. I am realy happy for you both. This is an amazing experience you will be able to enjoy and tell your kids later :) I wish you the best. I will be reading your blog :) Im so exited.

    I will keep in touch. Take care

    Clem tu vas vivre de quoi d'extraordinaire . Good for you :)

    Love you guys


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hey guys,
    That sounds like an amazing experience. I wish you all the best and safe travels!!
    I can't wait to read your posts from your journeys.
    Take too many pictures, eat too much food and of course, drink to much, because afterall, you are on an extra long vacay!!
    Take care and good luck!
    Love you!!

  9. We are absolutely THRILLED for you both! Awww, you are going to love SEA, and WOW NZ, OZ and EU too, brilliant! We are looking forward to all your fun, crazy and (likely) quite interesting stories! =)
    Safe travels and all the very best!


    Kail & Rob xx

  10. Last night in! Enjoy
    Got a skype name yet Jule? Never leave the country without one. Love ya both

  11. Hi Jem and Clulia (hehe),

    Remembered to lock your car. :)
    Can't wait to meet up with you...Mark and I spoke of the options last night and look forward to making one or more reality.
    Cheers. Heart. M and M.
